Our Organisational Structure

We organise MOVE inspired by [sociocratic] principles (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sociocracy) in individual Circles, which are semi-autonomous and able to make decisions.

Furthermore, temporary action Circles can be founded at any time, which can consist of any combination of people and may decide about fundamental and cross-Circle values and things.




  • Encouraging a consciousness and ensuring the existence of a mindful space
  • Prevention of attacks/discrimination and support of affected people
  • Design an awareness concept that is aimed at the participation of all people at MOVE
  • Offer the possibility to contact a trusted person and provide a safe space at the camp
  • Raising consciousness and awareness with the help of informational material and workshops
  • Support in case of conflicts
  • Prepare input/workshop for the organisational Circle and carry this out at a later planning meeting
  • Clarify conceptual principles: the power of defining and sanctioning
  • Write texts for the website, Camp-Reader (?) and posters for the camp
    • „If you have been affected…“
    • „If you hear of something happening to someone else…“
    • „If someone behaves towards you in a violatory/discriminatory way…“
  • Approach external groups with our own concept and request support for the work at the camp

If you are interested in the financing of the Move, you can find an up-to-date list of our income and expenses as well as the materials still needed on the donations page.